A number of different law clerks work for the firm, on a rotating basis. All of these individuals are current law students, some close to graduating. Each law clerk is interviewed extensively, prior to hiring. Although not yet licensed to practice law individually, these individuals are all up-and-coming lawyers, studying law at an ABA Accredited Law School. Each law clerk adds something special to the firm and each one is adept at dealing with and helping our clients.
The firm also currently employs a paralegal. Our paralegal may assist you in filling out certain forms, gathering information, and providing you general guidance, when your case is scheduled for a hearing or trial.
Finally, the firm also has a number of legal aids and interns who assist with various operational aspects of the firm, not the least of which is Attorney Hoffman’s eldest daughter, Gwen, who helps out at the firm by occassionally answering phones, cleaning the office, and greeting clients with a smile.